Ytje Veenstra is an internationally renowned VR artist, animator, and illustrator with a career that spans a diverse array of mediums and styles. Educated in illustration, Veenstra's work is deeply research-based, drawing on a rich tapestry of pop culture referen...
Studio Lisa is run by illustrator and art director Lisa den Teuling (LT), who is best known for creating digital art with a soft, almost ethereal feel. Lisa’s work, which includes everything from book illustrations to advertising, focuses on themes like women's empowerment and mental hea...
California-native Ed Templeton (1972) is a lot of things. Professional skateboarder. Two-time World Skateboarding Champion. Owner of skateboard company Toy Machine. Renowned (street) photographer. And acclaimed contemporary artist. He was one of the original ...
Hedy Tjin is an Amsterdam-based illustrator and designer. Since graduating from the Academy of Arts in Utrecht, Tjin has established herself as an artist with a trademark palette, an alluring aesthetic, and a strong social conscience. The world is Tjin's canvas, literally, for she design...
Thé Tjong-Khing (1933) is something of a legend, although he is far too modest to agree with that label. He is one of the Netherlands' most famous and beloved children's book illustrators: literally, everyone has at one time seen his work. Throughout his alm...